To everyone who shared, liked, challenged or followed #myteenageme,
thank you!
We reached over 3 million users!
#myteenageme made
over 4 million impressions!
We gained over 700 new followers!
Increased awareness leads to greater support!
Sharing an impression of who you were as a teenager, lets young people know that that they are not alone; that there is someone who has been there before and understands what they’re going through.
Strong role models help build resilience in young people.
Evidence shows that there is a proven association between role modelling and positive outcomes for young people. Youth that our mentored are 55% more likely to go to college and 130% more likely to hold leadership positions.
The protective effects of role modelling are significant.
We are grateful for all the role models who contributed to an important conversation about the well-being of young people. Through #myteenageme, you helped increase awareness for teenagers who are struggling with challenges.
Keep spreading the word!